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Swami Jnaneswariananda is from the Yoga Farm in Grass Valley CA and has been a yoga teacher since 1996. She teaches in the teacher training courses along with the Yoga Health Educator program focusing on Anatomy & Physiology and how to modify the postures.

In this video on Adjustments to Key Poses in the Sivananda Sequence, Swami Jnaneswariananda gives a detailed review of 4 of the sivananda postures.

01:00 Trikonasana – Triangle Pose
11:54 Pada Hastassana – Standing Forward Bend
19:20 Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Spinal Twist
29:40 Kakasana – Crow Pose

Swamiji shows us how to do the poses correctly and some common mistakes along with the pose benefits & some small corrections in the pose.

In this video on Exploring the Sivananda Shoulderstand Cycle, Swami Jnaneswariananda gives a detailed review of coming into the shoulderstand, the plow, the bridge, and the wheel.

11:24 Adaptations for Shoulderstand and Plow
19:44 Moving in and out of Bridge and Wheel
27:51 Other Variations
32:45 Advanced Variations for Plow and Shouldertand

Swamiji shows us how to do the poses correctly, how to adpat the posture for certain body types and some key techniques to improve in the practice.

In this video on Sivananda Yoga Gentle Modifications and Advanced Variations of the Shoulderstand & Fish Pose, Swami Jnaneswariananda gives a detailed review of these 2 sivananda postures and their gentle modifications and advanced variations.

01:00 Modifications for Shoulderstand using the Wall
06:42 An Advanced Variation of the Shoulderstand – The Candle
11:05 The Fish Pose – Matsyasana
17:41 A Gentle Modification for the Fish Pose
19:54 An Advanced variation of the Fish Pose – Lotus Fish