Lavender Fields

Lavender Fields
In the Spring of 2017, the Ashram planted over 2,000 lavender plants on about 2 acres of property. Lavender is a drought-tolerant plant that grows perfectly in the dry California climate.
In 2018 we started practicing no-till farming in the lavender fields. No-till agriculture protects topsoil, builds fertility, and prevents erosion.
The lavender flowers have been used used to create herbal tea mixtures of mint, lavender and rosemary, which were sold seasonally in the Sivananda buotiques of the Ashram, Los Angeles and San Francisco centers. The abundant harvest of lavender flowers will be used to create essential oil.
The lavender fields are a beautiful addition to the property and offer a calming interaction for guests. The plants are highly medicinal and can be smelled for their aromatherapeutic benefits year around.