Detoxification and Juice Fasting
Detoxification and Juice Fasting
The Detoxification and Juice Fasting Program is an ideal opportunity to deeply cleanse and rejuvenate body and mind in a safe and supportive environment. You can rest in the warmth of the northern California summer, enjoying clean air and sunshine in the Sierra foothills, and the support of experienced staff and health care practitioners.
Juice-fasting is the fastest and safest way to eliminate toxins from the body. Fruit and vegetable juices and herbal teas help the process of detoxification while adding vitamins and minerals to the body. Juice fasting allows the body to stay slim, healthy and vital. By fasting you give your digestive system the opportunity to rest, and in so doing, the body has more energy. This energy is used by the mind and you enjoy mental clarity, concentration, and control over the senses. You feel light, joyful, and peaceful.
The program is designed to create a transformation not only on the physical level but also on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Herbal supplements, yoga and meditation help with this. With the practice of both yoga and fasting you will achieve a higher degree of physical, mental and spiritual awareness as toxins are eliminated.
* Cleanses organ systems of the body
* Relieves congestion in the body
* Balances digestion
* Increases absorption of nutrients
* Improves eliminative functions of the body
* Aids in weight reduction
* Relieves tiredness of the body and mind
* Re-energises body and mind
* Reduces skin problems
* Eases pain and inflammation
Lectures Topics
Detox physiology
Weight loss
Integrative nutrition
Breaking the fast and healthy eating
Colonics can be arranged through reception during this program.
Nutritional consultations are also available