Sivananda Yoga Class

What to Expect in the Yoga Class
The Sivananda Yoga class at the ashram is a 2 hour group session with a teacher. The class starts with initial relaxation and pranayama followed by a series of 12 basic postures which are designed by Swami Vishnudevananda. An important feature is that the postures alternate with periods of relaxation with an accent on breathing. In addition, the energizing sun salutations series in the beginning prepares the body for the postures and avoid injury.
Moreover, students are encouraged to focus inwards and get in touch with their body. The teachers will periodically remind the class to follow the rhythm and to observe one’s limitation and not force the practice. Furthermore, the general philosophy of this system of teaching is promoting self awareness, gentleness, and balance between effort and relaxation.
Also, the students can rest as needed as it is important to respect the body limitations. Moreover, when in the posture students are encouraged to breathe, focus, and relax. Finally, the final relaxation is the cream of the practice where students spend 15-20 minutes in guided, deep relaxation.
In case you have any injuries or health conditions, please be sure to communicate to our yoga teachers prior to the beginning of class so that we can adjust and adapt the postures for you.