  • – Program Price option 1
  • $10.00 – Program Price option 2
  • $20.00 – Program Price option 3

Date & Time Details:
Online, 1-2:30pm, Saturday, August 22
FREE or by donation

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Online – Learning to Forgive for Good

with Dr. Fred Luskin

August 22, 2020

Learning to Forgive for Good

In this Learning to Forgive for Good workshop Dr. Frederic Luskin presents the forgiveness training methodology that has been validated through six successful research studies conducted through the Stanford Forgiveness Projects.

Prior to the current surge in research interest the importance of practicing forgiveness was extolled in both religious and psychological traditions.  Recently, Dr. Luskin’s and other’s research has confirmed its virtues in the promotion of psychological, relationship and physical health.  Forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger, hurt, depression and stress and lead to greater feelings of optimism, hope, compassion and self confidence.

01:00 – 02:30 pm – Workshop with Dr. Fred Luskin


Dr. Fred Luskin
Dr. Luskin holds a Ph.D. in Counseling and Health Psychology from Stanford University. He is Co-Director of the Stanford-Northern Ireland HOPE Project, an ongoing series of workshops and research projects that investigate the effectiveness of his forgiveness methods on the victims of political violence. He served as Director…
Learn more about Dr. Fred Luskin