Yoga Teacher Training Course in Vietnam
with Swami Narayanananda and Swami Pranavananda
October 27 - November 24, 2018
Yoga Teacher Training Course in Vietnam
This 4 week Yoga Teacher Training Course in Vietnam offers a profound personal experience and will allow you to transmit the knowledge of yoga to others. The spiritual essence of yoga is learned through a combination of repeated practice and inspirational lessons. Among the many benefits that students report are greater spiritual awareness, a sense of connection with the divine, a new-found sense of self-discipline, enhanced self-esteem, improved power of concentration and increased strength and flexibility.
A teaching certificate from the ISYVC is awarded upon successful completion of this immersion course. The ISYVC has trained over 35,000 yoga teachers to date since 1969. The curriculum includes asanas, pranayama, meditation, Vedanta philosophy, anatomy/physiology, Bhagavad Gita, mantra and kriyas.
Daily Schedule
5:30 am Wake Up
6:00 – 7:30 am Satsang: meditation, chanting and lecture
8:00 – 10:00 am Yoga Asana and Pranayama Class
10:00 – 10:45 am Vegetarian Brunch
10:45 – 11:45 am Karma Yoga (Selfless Service)
12:00 – 1:00 pm Kirtan or Bhagavad Gita Class
2:00 – 4:00 pm Main Philosophy Lecture
4:00 – 6:00 pm How to Teach Yoga Class
6:00 – 6:45 pm Vegetarian Dinner
6:45 – 7:45 pm Free time for Homework completion
8:00 – 9:45 pm Satsang: meditation, chanting and lecture
1 day a week will be free, but satsang still must be attended
Upon successful completion of the course, students receive the Certificate of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers (ISYVC), entitled Yoga Siromani. This training is registered by and fulfills the requirements for the 200-hour certification, for which graduates of the program are invited to register.
Yoga Asanas: Yogic Exercises for Well-being
– Effects of asanas on the physical and astral body to remove stress
– Yoga Asanas, Sun Salutation, 12 basic yoga postures, and advanced variations
– Proper posture alignment and deep relaxation
Pranayama: Yogic Breathing to Increase Energy
– The basic practices: Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breath)
Kriyas: Yogic Cleansing
– The six classical exercises for purifying the body
Hatha Yoga: Understanding Energy Balance for Healing
– The astral body, nadis, and chakras
How to Teach
– Teaching the sun salutation and the 12 basic postures
– How to teach beginners and intermediate students
– How to adapt teaching to special groups
Anatomy and Physiology
– The effects of hatha yoga on major body systems
– Ethical, health and spiritual reasons for vegetarianism
Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
– Psychology of the Spiritual Aspirant
– Law of karma, Vedanta philosophy
– 4 classical Yoga paths : Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga
– 8 limbs of Yoga and Jnana Yoga (vedanta philosophy and techniques of self enquiry) .
– Teaching the sun salutation and the 12 basic postures
– The Basic Class
– Teaching beginners and intermediate students
– Adapt teaching to special groups
Yogic Diet and Nutrition
– Vegetarianism for health and upliftment
– Meditation, Twelve Guidelines for Meditation
– Benefits of Meditation
– Mantras and mantra initiation (if requested)
– Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
– Techniques of meditation
– Mechanics of the mind
– Positive thinking techniques
– Obstacles to meditation.
– The Five Points of Yoga according to Swami Vishnu-devananda
– Positive emotional effects of chanting
– Correct pronunciation and mental attitude
– Mantra and sound healing
– Practice of opening of the heart to the divine
Bhagavad Gita Study
– commentary of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most read classical scripture. It gives universal teachings on how to do your duty and conduct yourself in the battlefield of life.
The course will be held at the Vietnam Yoga Ashram in Dalat, Vietnam.
Though a basic knowledge of yoga postures and philosophy is helpful, beginners are welcome. The course is intense and demands discipline. You must be sincere in your desire to learn and follow the rules. Please note that in keeping with the ancient Yoga tradition, spiritual practices such as meditation, mantra chanting, ceremonies, selfless service and study of philosophy constitute a large part of this program. You must be basically healthy.
To preserve the spiritual atmosphere of the ashram, no meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco or narcotics are allowed. Participation in all classes and punctuality are mandatory.
What to Bring
Two sets of uniforms are provided, but you will need to bring modest, comfortable clothes for asana practice, plus casual clothes. Be prepared for cool weather and possibly rain. We recommend that you bring a waterproof jacket, sweaters, wool hat, T-shirts, cotton pants, night clothes, swimming suit, sun hat, shoes for nature walks and a pair of slip-on shoes. Please also bring a yoga mat, meditation cushion, meditation shawl or blankets, toiletries, notebook, pens, flashlights, alarm clocks and water bottle. Cell phones and SIM cards need to be purchased or equipped prior to arrival as no public phone is available.
Text Books
The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnudevananda and the Bhagavad Gita with commentary by Swami Sivananda is available for purchase in the boutique.
The course will be taught in English with Vietnamese translation
Registration, Arrival, Departure
Space is limited (maximum 50 students). A non-refundable deposit of $300 is required to secure your reservation. The outstanding balance must be paid upon arrival or before. The fees listed below include tuition and accommodations for 28 nights.
Single $3853
Shared (2 people) $3400
Shared (4 people) $2400
Born in England, Swami Narayanananda is a senior teacher of yoga and meditation at International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers with 25 years experience of practice and teaching. He is now Director of Sivananda Vietnam Yoga Resort and Training Center. He has been a student of the practice of…
Learn more about Swami Narayanananda
Swami Pranavananda, hails from the USA, and has been a Yoga and Meditation teacher since 1995 in the US and abroad. He teaches mainly the Hatha Yoga and Anatomy sections for the TTC courses. He was the director of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers in Los Angeles, CA…
Learn more about Swami Pranavananda