
Swami Jnaneswariananda

Swami Jnaneswariananda joined the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers in 1995 and has been director of centers and ashrams in Canada and Italy. She teaches Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Anatomy, and Vedanta at Teacher Training Courses in North America, Italy and India. Swami Jnaneswariananda took vows of Sannyas in 2001. She is currently a senior teacher at the Yoga Farm in Grass Valley. She teaches with great enthusiasm and humor.

Swami Jnaneswariananda has a Phd in Biomedical Engineering and is an excellent teacher of anatomy and physiology and yoga philosophy. She is a senior teacher and director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm and is part of Sivananda Institute of Health and Yoga (SIHY), the health branch of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers.