
Become an Online Member

Study at home with on-demand lessons in the areas of: Mind & Meditation, Health & Well-being, Self Healing, Bhakti & Love, and Vedic Knowledge

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Support our Mission

The Sivananda Yoga Farm mission is to practice and teach the ancient yogic knowledge of health, peace, unity in diversity and Self-realization.

  • We relate to people as their inner nature and do not judge or value ourselves based on race, gender, occupation, performance, material conditions or personality.
  • Be in the world and not of the world.
  • Simple living, high thinking.
  • Adapt, adjust, accommodate-highest yoga.
  • Group positive intentions and prayers make miracles.
  • We serve everyone equally with respect.
  • We respect traditions and understand there are values in timeless teachings.
  • Worship sages, saints and our gurus. The blind can’t lead the blind.

About the Online Membership

By joining our Online Membership program, you will create a Membership Account which will give you access to all the lessons that you choose to study.  Each lesson will have about a 1 hour video and an accompanying text/article.  After watching the video, there is a short essay style quiz for you to test your knowledge.

The ashram is a nonprofit 501(c)3 religious charitable organization and all your donations go to support the mission of bringing peace to the world.

Online Lesson Categories

Each category has 10 lessons (the first lesson is free). As you watch the lessons, it is recommended that you sit on the floor in a cross legged position and have a notebook and a pen with you so you can take notes and reflect on the teachings.


Mind & Meditation

Lessons to guide in your meditation life and learn how to better understand the mind and its workings.

Health & Well-being

Lessons to guide in 3 levels of Health & well-being.

Self Healing

Lessons to guide in your Self Healing Journey

Bhakti, Divine love, & Creativity

Lessons to guide in your emotional well-being

Vedic Knowledge

Lessons to guide in your deeper understanding of the vast teachings of yoga and the vedas.

Membership Options

Curiosity on the Path



Create a Member Account


Access the first Lesson from any of the Lesson Categories above

Seeker of Truth



Create a Member Account


Choose any set of 3 lessons from the categories

Disciplined & Detached

$100 / year


Create a Member Account


Access all 10 Lessons from any of the Categories

Established in the Practice

$400 / year


Create a Member Account


Access all 10 lessons from all five categories.

How it Works