Diet and Nutrition
Courses and Retreats onYogic Diet, Vegetarian Cooking, Ayurvedic Healing, Juice Fasting

Vegetarian Cooking Course
Learn the science of the 6 tastes, a unique feature of ayurvedic nutrition to insure proper digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination. The use of spices and sattvic food, based on grains, pulses and vegetables, savouries and sweetmeats as prescribed in Ayurveda bring about a wholesome experience of wellbeing.
This workshop promises “Good digestion, Balanced meals, tasty and easy to digest food for the whole family.” Learn the art of using Indian spices for balancing your specific condition.
6 Tastes
- Sweet- provides nutrition and tissue build-up.
- Salty- retain water to keep cohesion in the tissues.
- Sour- promotes secretions for proper metabolism.
- Bitter– cleanses blood and toxins left along g.i. tract.
- Hot- enhances agni(digestive fire), dissolves phlegm and has antimicrobial effects.
- Astringent- allows water absorption in the colon for proper elimination.
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Diet and Nutrition
– Swami Vishnudevananda
Guidelines for a Healthy Diet
A diet which is not in accord with the principles of satisfactory nutrition leads to impaired physical development, ill-health and untimely death. A high standard of health, vigor and vitality can be achieved through a well-balanced diet. Such a diet will enable you to develop your inherited capacities to the full extent.
A well-balanced and adequate diet must yield enough calories, as well as supply the various food constituents in sufficient quantities. We need both an energy source for our day-to-day functioning, and vitamins and minerals to stimulate the production of particular hormones and to prevent debilitative diseases.
Water is also a necessary part of the diet. About 70 percent of body weight is water. There is daily loss of about 2.5 liters (4 pints) of water through the skin, lungs, kidneys and the alimentary canal. Water has a greater cleansing action on the tissues than other beverages. It dissolves and distributes food. It is necessary for digestion, and removes impurities from the body. It keeps the body temperature stable through evaporation from the skin in the form of sweat.
Make all changes to your diet gradually. If something disagrees with you, reduce the quantity or eliminate it completely. With practice, you will develop an inner voice to guide you in the selection of a diet suited to your temperament and constitution; one that will maintain your physical efficiency, good health and mental vigor.
Simple and natural food and drink, which is nonstimulating, tissue building, and energy producing, will keep the mind calm and pure and help the yoga practitioner attain the goal of life. A healthy diet means eating the proper foods, in proper proportion, under the proper circumstances, with the proper attitude.