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Yoga Sadhana for Self Healing




The Sivananda teaching is a traditional Yogic teaching coming through a lineage of Yoga Masters, including Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda.

Master Sivananda’s approach to Yoga, the synthesis of Yoga, is well-rounded and practical, written in almost 300 books.

Swami Vishnudevananda, founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, taught students in both the East and West, giving innumerable lectures and writing two bestselling books: The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga and Meditation and Mantras. His teachings are practical, humorous, and well-suited to modern life.

In this book, you will learn the essentials, the basic aspects of this profound spiritual, mental and physical self-healing. Later on, if you want to know more, you will have to dive deeper—for example, learn to heal yourself while teaching Yoga asanas and holistic lifestyle in the Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training Course and after, take the deeper, 800-hour Sivananda Yoga Health Education Training course to become a Yoga Health Educator and instrument in the process of empowerment of people to heal themselves and to be free from suffering.

There are many books on Self-healing and Self-realization, as well as a host of materials on the process of healing. This book, however, attempts to addresses a deeper spiritual and Vedantic approach to health and healing, in a practical way, from the viewpoint of conscious training of the practitioner. It is about Yoga’s specific way of seeing Health and about the process of Self-healing, the journey home to completeness of being.

It is about the process of awakening for a person in search of his or her own Self-aware Self, more known as the process of Self-Realization.

There are many Vedic and Vedantic scriptures or teachings by spiritual teachers available today. However, I obtained this knowledge from my specific lineage of spiritual knowledge stemming from Adi Sankaracharya (8th century AD) and many books and writings of my Master Swami Sivananda, as taught and infused with the shakti of devotion by my teacher Swami Vishnudevananda.

The knowledge from this book was passed on through the traditional system of Gurukula wherein the students are immersed in Yoga life under the daily guidance of his/her teacher. All in all, in the context of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, I have imbibed the knowledge and passed it on to thousands of students through 40 years of learning, practice, teaching and serving. This book is a result of my own Self-healing journey and my teaching on Health Education and on Self-healing.

This Yoga journey is the application of the Yoga of Synthesis as taught by Swami Sivananda (1887-1963) and Swami Vishnudevananda (1927- 1993).

The teachings came to me through countless stories of students who came to the ashram for Self-healing. I learned with each student, with each story. They are the many faces of the same suffering humanity with its core issues in the quest of Happiness and Peace.

May this book pave the way to Health, Peace and Happiness for countless more students to come and save them time and tribulations on the journey.

May we all attain Peace and Harmony
Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu


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