
Continuing Education

Gentle Yoga TTC, Restorative Yoga TTC, Kids Yoga TTC and more

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Gentle Yoga TTC

Gentle Yoga is designed for teachers to teach students who need to have the basic yoga postures modified due to age, weight, illness, injury or limited flexibility.  Due to poor lifestyles and chronic stress, many students come to yoga unable to safely practice the postures.  In keeping with the principle of ahimsa (nonviolence), teachers will learn to teach how to modify the asanas so that their students can benefit from a physical practice as they build the strength and resilience to perform the full postures. 

  • Help yoga teachers evaluate limitations in their students and suggest modifications of the poses for them
  • Include routines for those who need to practice in a chair
  • Experience the modifications themselves in class as well as learn them in more detail in workshops
  • Include discussions on the philosophy and psychology of teaching gentle yoga
Teaching Restorative Yoga at the yoga Farm

Restorative Yoga TTC

Restorative Yoga is a very gentle yoga practice designed to calm the nervous system and create overall health in the body. It offers simple yet powerful postures that can be integrated into existing yoga classes, healing treatments, or used to teach restorative specific classes. Restorative Yoga is a regenerative healing tool that reduces stress by supporting the body’s innate responses towards homeostasis and health.

Through the use of supported yoga postures, breathing and meditative techniques, a profound sense of relaxation can infuse one’s entire being which leads to healing.  Restorative Yoga techniques are helpful in the treatment of nervous system disorders, such as insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, and also with specific ailments such as cancer, although it often used for structural re-alignment and the healing of injuries.  When the body is fully supported, it will naturally relax, releasing deeply held tensions.

Restorative yoga is the yoga of non-doing, and focuses on effortlessness and ease, using well-placed blankets, bolsters, yoga straps, and chairs to safely support the body in various postures. This process invokes a natural state of balance, regeneration, and healing rest.

Stress Management the Classical Yoga Way Teacher Training

Stress Management the Classical Yoga Way – Teacher Training Course empowers Yoga teachers with the skills and techniques to educate and support your students to create healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress and lead a more balanced life. This training is based on the time-tested, Classical Yoga practices and contemporary resources to better understand and develop skills to lead a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

This course qualifies for Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits for Yoga Teachers.

Topics Covered

The physiology of the stress response is illustrated and discussed. A basic understanding of the nervous system is presented, identifying sympathetic and parasympathetic response. The psychology of the “fight/flight/freeze” response is explained. Participants are encouraged to share personal experiences to help facilitate understanding of the stress response and the many ways that it presents itself in daily life.

Presentations on the benefits of Asana, Pranayama, Savasana, and Diet provide a comprehensive understanding of Yoga techniques to manage stress in a systematic way.

Emotional benefits of Yoga Meditation include gaining new perspective on stressful situations, cultivating new skills to manage stress, increased awareness of the mind’s tendencies, improved concentration (being present), and the reduction/regulation of negative emotions.

Teaching Restorative Yoga at the yoga Farm