
Gentle Yoga Teachers Training Course

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Gentle Yoga TTC

Gentle Yoga is designed for teachers to teach students who need to have the basic yoga postures modified due to age, weight, illness, injury or limited flexibility.  Due to poor lifestyles and chronic stress, many students come to yoga unable to safely practice the postures.  In keeping with the principle of ahimsa (nonviolence), teachers will learn to teach how to modify the asanas so that their students can benefit from a physical practice as they build the strength and resilience to perform the full postures. 

  • Help yoga teachers evaluate limitations in their students and suggest modifications of the poses for them
  • Include routines for those who need to practice in a chair
  • Experience the modifications themselves in class as well as learn them in more detail in workshops
  • Include discussions on the philosophy and psychology of teaching gentle yoga
Teaching gentle yoga outside in the grass

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A self-guided journey designed to give you time to unplug from daily stress, reset your nervous system, and experience the numerous benefits of living a yogic lifestyle.