In this podcast Swami Sitaramanandause talks about the use of yoga to heal addictions. Yoga teaches us to practice self surrender and by doing this we can understand better how the mind works. When the mind is very active there are many thought waves which causes us to look outwardly for external objects to bring happiness. We identify with these thoughts and create an attachment to the objects which leads to addiction.
When we repeat these negative thoughts we suffer. We must learn to practice detach so we are not at the mercy of negative thoughts. Detachment helps us to connect to our True Self because we no longer identify with the thoughts. We become content in our Self and no more energy is give to the negative thoughts.
The Yoga of Relationship teaches us to understand that we are in this constant and complex network of relationship and teaches us to learn from the emotional patterns that we usually follow within relationship. It is through our network of relationship that we learn and grow.
People in relationship serve as mirrors to each other emotionally and in various ways, so that we may reach the core issue of what it means to live in relationship, which is the relationship with our own Self.
In Yoga we aim to stop the cycle of recurring negative emotional patterns in our past relationships by looking within and by developing awareness about oneself. It is about being self-sufficient – not in an egoistic manner but in a spiritual manner.
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