Sivananda Yoga Farm Blog
4 Paths of YogaThe 4 yoga paths
For the integral development of body, mind and soul, yoga recommends combining the following four main practices:
Karma Yoga
Karma Yoga is the path of action and suits people with active temperaments. Performing actions selflessly – without thinking of success or reward – purifies the heart and reduces the ego. Karma Yoga is the best way to prepare oneself for silent meditation.
Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion and is perfect for people who are emotional by nature. Through prayer, worship and ritual, one comes to see the Divine as the embodiment of love. Chanting mantras is an essential part of Bhakti Yoga.
Universal Prayer>>
Jnana Yoga
Jnana Yoga is the yoga of wisdom or knowledge is most suitable for intellectual people. The philosophy of Vedanta teaches analytical self-enquiry into one’s own true nature, with the goal of recognising the Supreme Self in oneself and in all beings.
Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga is the science of controlling body and mind. The asanas (body postures) and pranayamas (breathing exercises) from Hatha Yoga are an integral part of this yoga path. The main practice of Raja Yoga is silent meditation, where bodily and mental energies are gradually transformed into spiritual energy.
Stay Detached, Philosophy of the Self
To understand what detachment means, you need to know about the nature of the Self first, your true nature. Your true nature is sat chit ananda.
How to prevent future suffering?
The topic of today is how to prevent future suffering. It is a very important topic because nobody wants to suffer. This teaching comes from the teaching in the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali from 2,000 years ago, where Patanjali Maharishi explains the nature of the mind and how the mind works. He said: “Future suffering needs to be avoided”.
Yoga is skill in action
The Bhagavad Gita is the scripture of yoga that teaches about the 4 paths of yoga, and the most important teaching is about karma yoga. What Karma does mean? A lot of people understand Karma wrongly. It simply means action and consequence of action. So, karma is the action that is done by body, by speech and by thought. These actions have consequences.
Yoga guidelines for thinking and feeling
I wish things can be as simple as “you are what you think” which refers to the thought power idea, you can manifest what you want by the power of your thought, therefore think profitably, think like a winner, think like a master of the universe and the universe will come to you.
Yoga Guidelines for conscious self healing and healing of the Earth
The talk today is about Self Healing and Healing of the environment using Yogic principles. The word Yoga here implies classical Yoga taught holistically in a philosophical traditional background and not just modern urban commercial exercise Yoga taught in a hectic stressful environment.
From Karma to Dharma – how to turn karmic situation to your life mission
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx-qfC6LF8c Satsang on line 04/19/2020 Introduction: The topic of today is a complex topic, we will try our best to talk about how to bring meaning to our lives no matter what circumstances we found ourselves in. The two words of Karma...
Renewals and choices in time of transition – how to turn adversity to opportunity
Life is a journey. There is a direction to life. We are always in transition, between stages of life. There is a lesson to be learned at every step. Try to not get lost in the appearances and illusions of life. Our destination is to realize our inner peace that always has been here.
Stress Relief Counseling – from darkness to light
Today’s topic is a very appropriate topic. It’s about stress relief counseling. The International Sivananda Yoga Centers are offering a service of stress relief counseling for all, in 12 languages. So if you see the announcement, please share with as many people as possible. Because the situation of suffering and stress due to the epidemic is a global situation. So we want people to be able to access the counselors who may be able to support them through this period of stress.
Meditation guidance – how to meditate and not give up.
In this webinar we will be talking about Yogic classical meditation. This is the system of 8 limbs Yoga of Patanjali Maharishi, where meditation is limb number 7, and Samadhi- the state of superconscious is limb number 8.
Self Enquiry: a meditation method to make you feel stronger in time of COVID 19
Today we will introduce you to a new way of thinking that will help you to feel strong in the time of fears and anxieties due to epidemic Covid 19. We are facing an unknown “enemy” and our daily life is being put to a halt. We feel that our health and wellbeing are being threatened.
Yoga of Relationships in the time of COVID 19 crisis
In this webinar, we will address the question of how to be with ourselves and be happy no matter the outside interpersonal conditions and collective conditions (social distancing, be in isolation or working with groups, living with families and community, in intimate relationship, being alone or in search of close relationships).
Prana, Thoughts, Emotions and Immunity
Happiness, Health and knowledge requires energy. Lack of prana brings depression, stress and darkness. In this time of pandemic , it is critical to know how to increase prana, how to not loose prana and to prevent infection and diseases and how to heal.
Fear, Stress, Anxiety or Faith – How to Maintain Mental Health in Times of Epidemic
In this talk, we will try to understand, in the context of the global epidemic, how fear and anxiety create havoc and take away your well-being and mental health, and how faith is so important in dispelling fear.
Self-quarantine or Yogic turning inwards – How to live with yourself and be happy and healthy
In these times we are hearing some unusual phrases and receiving some unusual advice, such as “social distancing!” “use pranams, namaste instead of hugs and embraces!”, “do not travel” “stay at home, work from home!”, “public health responsibility”.
Role of Yoga Teacher in Time of COVID-19
The first thing you need to know is that this is a pandemic, but also this is a situation that touches the whole world, and it changes the vibration of the whole world. The whole world is in a panic, in the worrying and questioning mode. It is very important that yogic teaching is known at this time so people will turn from negative thoughts to positive thoughts and know the cumulative action of thoughts.
Lord Siva and Detachment
On the occasion of Sivaratri, the festival of Lord Siva, celebrated by millions, this is an offering to help understand how contemplation on Lord Siva can guide us in our life.
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