Sivananda Yoga Farm Articles, Podcasts, and Videos
Learn more about all the Sivananda Yoga Teachings and PracticesWhat is the best method of meditation?
What is the best method of meditation, e.g. best timing, duration, breathing, concentration, etc.? Swami Vishnu-devananda would say that it is not possible to teach someone how to meditate, any more than it is possible to teach them how to sleep. Sleep overtakes us...
Making the World a Better Place to Live with Yoga
What is Selfishness? Selfishness arises from us failing to realize that we gain more from giving than from taking. Our mistaken belief that we are separate from others leads us to behave selfishly. We fail to consider the deep interconnectedness and oneness of all...
Karma Yoga is the Foundation of Sadhana – stories from Swami Vishnu
Karma Yoga or Selfless service is the foundation for sadhana (spiritual practice) Question: Should Karma Yoga always take priority over pranayama and asanas? Swamiji: When I was doing my pranayama, suddenly I heard a cry. I did intense pranayama along with meditation....
How to Practice Silence and Introspection
Many of us are in the throes of surviving and somehow getting through our day… we have bosses, baby-sitters, traffic, bills, spouses, in-laws to manage. Our day starts with a to-do list of mundane items like “Buy Milk”, “Fill gas”, “Pay rent”. The more ticks we have...
How you see Yourself and the World
The essentials of Vedanta philosophy are based on the understanding of the way we see ourselves and our world. This understanding will guide us to know what to do to alleviate ourselves from our suffering which comes from mistakes in our way of seeing. This will...
Moong dal Khicharee recipe
moong dal khicharee recipe PREP TIME COOK TIME AUTHOR CUISINE SERVES 30 mins 10 mins Bharata Surya Ayurvedic 4 Ingredients: (measuring cup used, 1 cup = 250 ml) 1 cup Basmati white rice 1 cup yellow or green split mung dal 1/4 tsp. brown mustard seeds 1/4 tsp....
Conserving and Storing Prana for rainy days
In our last article, we spoke about ways to increase our Prana (vital life force). Today, we will talk about conversing our prana. Prana is present in every mental and physical event. It flows from spirit, or pure consciousness, to bring intelligence and awareness...
Increasing Prana Through the 5 Elements
Many of us are leading chaotic stressful lives that do not support our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. We do not eat well, exercise correctly, maintain a positive state of mind, or take the time to get the rest and relaxation we need. It is...
17 Questions and Answers on Yoga with Swami Sita
1) What is the source of all mental problems? All mental problems are spiritual problems coming from the lack of connection to the source and the absence of the sense of meaning to peoples life; believing themselves to be separate and competing with each other,...
The Power of Here and Now
Through yoga and meditation we learn the power of here and now and discover this is the only way to solve life’s mysteries.
Why We Chant
Why we Chant by Swami Sitaramananda There is another way to connect to the inner truth within you. That is through chanting. If I go to a restaurant in China, I want to order food and communicate with people, then I have to speak Chinese. If I go to Spain, then I have...
The Dynamic of Concentration and Self-Surrender
Swami Sivananda’s last instruction, summarizing Yoga, is, “Remember, Forget.” Remember the Divine and forget or let go, of everything else.
3 Bodies and 5 Layers
Understanding your vehicle: the 3 bodies and 5 layers. This is a concept in yoga that you need to master because without that you cannot understand the teachings. The teaching is that you are not just the physical body, but also the subtle bodies. You have...
How do emotions work?
The first thing to know is how long has that negative emotion like anger for example has been there. How long have you been depressed? Some people would say that they have been depressed all their life. Others would say, I have been depressed for one month...
Veggie-key for Your Thanksgiving Feast
A delightful alternative to turkey that works well with all the traditional trimmings. VEGGIE-KEY - serves 8 to 10 Group I - Bean and Grain Mixture 3 cups cooked lentils (retain excess cooking water) (1 cup dry) 3 cups cooked brown rice (slightly mushy) 1 cup...
Practice of Yoga aims to achieve inner balance
Balancing the energies The practice of Yoga aims to achieve inner balance. Hatha (Ha Tha) Yoga is balance between the sun and the moon energy. It is the balance between the hot and cold, active and passive, male and female, yin and yang. We need to learn to regulate...
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