Sivananda Yoga Farm Articles, Podcasts, and Videos
Learn more about all the Sivananda Yoga Teachings and PracticesYogic Tools for Transforming Negative Emotions
To work with the emotions, we need to understand their forms and manifestations and learn how to properly handle them. All emotions are forms of Love, but distorted. Because love is at the root of every emotion, we can learn to bring the emotions back from negative...
20 Lessons On Karma
● Karma is action and consequence of action. Action comes from past wrong thoughts or emotions. ● Thoughts repeat themselves, either right or wrong thoughts. ● Karmas repeat themselves; we call them karmic patterns. ● These wrong thoughts or selfish thoughts are...
5 Practices to Keep the Mind Elevated
Yoga Psychology is different then normal psychology. It is the understanding of the mind in order to see through the mind and realize the Self. Yoga Psychology and philosophy is based on the idea that the restless mind is an obstacle to happiness, and we need to...
Karma Yoga: Why and How to be Selfless
Life is a school. Just as in a school, if you do not pass the exam, you will have to repeat the class; so also, if you do not learn your karmic lessons, you have to repeat the experience again and again until you understand, class after class, until you graduate. The...
Q&A – Why Practice Positive Thinking?
We become more positive if we hold positive thoughts. We become more negative if we think negative thoughts. The most important thing is that positive thoughts give you more energy. Positive thoughts contain more prana-energy. Negative thoughts exhaust energy. You...
Sadhana in Daily Life
What is Sadhana? Sadhana is systematic, conscious, spiritual practice that is done in order to change consciousness. It doesn't mean something that you do when you feel like it, and when you don't feel like it, you do not do it - that is not sadhana. Sadhana means you...
Spark up your Life with Spiritual Practices
The majority of us suffer from too many distractions. There are too many choices, too many products, too many nice things to do, too many possibilities. We are suffering from too much freedom and too many choices. We become scattered and lose strength, faith and...
What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a creative and artful way of designing our lives, where wastes become resources, productivity and yields increase, work is minimized, people and nature are preserved – all by thoughtful planning and a respectful approach to life.
Concentration and Commitment Leads to Freedom
Yoga Psychology analyzes the different mental states in order to find ways to overcome the mind by the mind itself to find Peace, Bliss and True Freedom.
Am I healthy in body, mind, and spirit?
In Yoga we say that we are comprised of body, mind and spirit, so therefore, if you want to be healthy, you have to be healthy in body, mind and spirit. Health is not only physical. Actually, if you are healthy in spirit you will be healthy in mind and body, not the...
Healthy Spirit Part 3 – Become a Spiritual Seeker
The scriptures say that all physical disease comes from negative mental patterns, which starts with wrong thinking. The body is the instrument for you to go back to school, that’s why the state of spiritual health, or liberation is freedom from rebirth. It is said...
Healthy Spirit Part 2 – Changing Consciousness
The beauty that you see outside is within yourself To be spiritually healthy you have to find your bliss independent from objects, and that is a difficult task. Your habits make you constantly go down same pathways either emotional, or mental, or physical, and that...
Healthy Spirit Part 1 – Living in Unity
When you talk about health, talk about physical, mental, and spiritual health. Spiritual health is most important, because it governs the body and mind. But how do you have a healthy spirit? The idea is to know that there is only one reality, one spirit, one universal...
Sivananda Yoga is Holistic Yoga
So the topic we mentioned this morning, we start to explore this topic this weekend about Holistic Yoga and what that means, ok? So we mentioned about that the equivalent of Holistic Medicine This word I hear from a Dr. the MD of Doctors who is using Yoga for Yoga...
Positive Thinking and Meditation Article
We talked already about the 5 points. Proper exercises or asanas, breathing or pranayama. We talked about relaxation and then we talked about diet. The body is like a vehicle and the proper exercise is like the oiling system of the body all the parts...
Why Do Service and Live in an Ashram?
Enjoy these inspiring, heartfelt responses from applicants to the Yoga Farm Seva Study program: What is Karma Yoga? - I see karma yoga as a way to express gratitude to all people. - The practitioner forgets their finite self through their service for others and the...
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