Swami Vishnudevananda Asana Photos
Swami Vishnudevananda was made the Hatha Yoga Professor at the age of 18 upon arriving at the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India.
He said that all of his past life knowledge of hatha yoga came back to him when Swami Sivananda initiated him and touched his third eye.
Enjoy these Swami Vishnudevananda asana photos of Swamiji as a young man in India performing asanas basic, intermediate, and advanced.
Savasana – Corpse Pose

Sun Salutations
Headstand Cycle
Headstand, legs apart, Lotus Headstand, Scorpion
Shoulderstand Cycle
Shoulderstand variations, Plough, Knees to Ears, Wheel, One leg up, Lotus Fish
Sitting Forward Bend Cycle
Legs apart, one leg lotus, butterfly, ankle twist, frog’s pose, shooting bow, foot behind the head
Backbending Cycle
Cobra, King Cobra, Full Locust, Full Bow, Diamond, Pigeon
Twisting and Sitting Postures
Half spinal twist, Full spinal twist, Vajrasana, Padmasana
Balancing Postures
Crow, Side Crow, Peacock, Handstand, Tiptoe, Cock pose, One knee one foot pose
Standing Postures
Standing forward bend, Triangle, Twisting triangle, Head to foot pose, Nataraj Dancer pose
Savasana – Corpse Pose

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Om Namah Sivaya
Blessed Yogis
I am so grate to have had the Blessed Karma of being personally trained by Swami Vishnudevananda April 1978 as I finished the Advanced Teacher’s Training Course at the Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Ashram, Nassau, Bahamas after having taken the Teacher Training Course a year earlier at the same location. I continue to teach and lecture at various Sivananda Centers and Ashrams. May the Grace of Both Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnu continue to influence others aspirants to make the choice of becoming a teacher. Om Shanti and Peace…Radha Chicago
Om Blessed Radha,
Thank you for sharing =) 1978 was before many of us were born! It is so nice to hear from those who had direct contact with Swami Vishnu.
om shanti
I too was lucky enough to have met Swami Vishnu many times when living at the London ashram In Notting Hill Gate. Though I originally joined them when they had their location in Regents Park in 1976, I didn’t take TTC until 1985 in Val Morin Canada. It was truly and life changing experience having Swami Vishnu as our teacher. I still use the name Kamala that he gave me back then.