Sivananda Yoga Farm Blog
Yoga HealthLearn about Yoga and Health with this blog articles. At the Sivananda Yoga Farm we have a new Sivananda Institute of Health & Yoga (SIHY) which seeks to empower individuals with classical Yoga tools and Self-knowledge to promote integral health, reduce stress, restore balance and a sense of purpose in one’s life. We also have our new 2-year 800-hour Professional Yoga Health Educator program which is IAYT certified and open for enrollment.
The ancient teaching of the Vedas have given you some guidance. And of course, you need to have a teacher who knows you very well, who can tell you (more or less) where you are at, and what are the different steps that you need to take. Today I’m going to present to you a little bit of these different ideas to guide you.
Journey of Self Development
To practice yoga is to feel that we are progressing. It’s not nice to feel stuck in life. If you feel that things are not moving and you are stagnant, the best way is to practice. Go back to your yoga mat, to your meditation cushion, to your diary, to your journal and try to renew your practice. What does it mean to practice? What to practice? And how do you develop yourself and not feel stuck?
Yoga Health Education: Importance of Proper Breathing
Breath is life. We can live for days without food or water but deprive us of breath and we die in minutes. In view of this, it is astonishing how little attention is paid to the importance of proper breathing.
What is Forest Bathing?
In a time when our dependence on technology and our separation from the natural world is becoming more and more apparent, taking time to unplug and practice forest bathing has never been more important.
Breathe and relax! Live in the world and out of the world!
The topic of today is highly philosophical, yet practical. It is essential to understand it so we know what to do to be healthy and free. Please be ready during this presentation to be able to do 6 practical breathing and relaxation lessons. Make sure you have space to lie down, and that your room be ventilated.
Yoga Guidelines for conscious self healing and healing of the Earth
The talk today is about Self Healing and Healing of the environment using Yogic principles. The word Yoga here implies classical Yoga taught holistically in a philosophical traditional background and not just modern urban commercial exercise Yoga taught in a hectic stressful environment.
Stress Relief Counseling – from darkness to light
Today’s topic is a very appropriate topic. It’s about stress relief counseling. The International Sivananda Yoga Centers are offering a service of stress relief counseling for all, in 12 languages. So if you see the announcement, please share with as many people as possible. Because the situation of suffering and stress due to the epidemic is a global situation. So we want people to be able to access the counselors who may be able to support them through this period of stress.
Forgiveness: A talk given by Dr. Fred Luskin
In this talk Dr. Luskin outlines the procedure for forgiveness. This talk was transcribed (with some editing for clarity and brevity) almost verbatim from a video which was recorded on a zoom call.
6 Ayurvedic Tips for Winter Wellness
This time of the year, colds are common in people. Symptoms include runny nose, cough, congestion, headache, drowsiness, and an achy body. In Ayurveda, colds are viewed as a kapha and vata disorder. Kapha is due to the congestion qualities (cool, moist properties in...
Healing with Medicine, Yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish, and Vedanta
I want to share with you a true story of karmic disease and karmic healing. Disease can be karmic, i.e., not sure of the cause, but meant to happen for self-transformation and growth.
Yoga and Healing
This podcast is an a webinar by Swami Sitaramananda from 2016. Swamiji discusses Yoga and Healing and how holistic healing of body, mind, and spirit can happen through the practice of yoga asana, pranayama, relaxation, and meditation.
Sivananda Yoga: Health Educator Training – Documentary film by Benoy K Behl
This is the audio file from the documentary film on the yoga health education-training course which is a yoga therapy course where we focus on positive health and well-being.
Ayurveda and Jyotish for Holistic Health
Holistic healing through ayurveda and jyotish implies healing the root cause of a problem, rather than simply treating or masking a symptom.
The Deeper Path of Yoga Healing
In the deeper path of Yoga Healing we find out that healthy relationships and emotional balance are in integral part of our well-being.
Video – Yoga for Health and Healing
This video on Yoga for Health and Healing looks at the new Sivananda Yoga Health Educator program which is an 800-hour 2 year program.
Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training Career Professional
Sivananda Yoga now offers an 800-hour yoga health educator training to delve deeper into health and healing benefits of Yoga.
Yoga Shows the Way to Positive Health
Positive health is that state in which all the internal organs of the body function optimally under the intelligent control of the mind.
Yoga of Recovery: Applied Ayurveda and Health
Yoga of Recovery (YoR) integrates the wisdom of yoga and Ayurveda with modern recovery tools, including the principles of 12-step programs. It is open to all who are looking to overcome self-destructive or addictive tendencies. This powerful combination is proving to...
Sivananda Yoga is Holistic Yoga
So the topic we mentioned this morning, we start to explore this topic this weekend about Holistic Yoga and what that means, ok? So we mentioned about that the equivalent of Holistic Medicine This word I hear from a Dr. the MD of Doctors who is using Yoga for Yoga...
Sickness and Health Have No Name
Many years ago, I did not know that every activity has its own value in terms of energy taxing the body. I thought seeing God in temples is exempt as it gives you new energy and recharges you. Pilgrimage is seeing God, not only in temples, but in every encounter...
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