
Sivananda Yoga Farm Blog

4 Paths of Yoga

The 4 yoga paths

For the integral development of body, mind and soul, yoga recommends combining the following four main practices:

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is the path of action and suits people with active temperaments. Performing actions selflessly – without thinking of success or reward – purifies the heart and reduces the ego. Karma Yoga is the best way to prepare oneself for silent meditation.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion and is perfect for people who are emotional by nature. Through prayer, worship and ritual, one comes to see the Divine as the embodiment of love. Chanting mantras is an essential part of Bhakti Yoga.
Universal Prayer>>

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga is the yoga of wisdom or knowledge is most suitable for intellectual people. The philosophy of Vedanta teaches analytical self-enquiry into one’s own true nature, with the goal of recognising the Supreme Self in oneself and in all beings.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga is the science of controlling body and mind. The asanas (body postures) and pranayamas (breathing exercises) from Hatha Yoga are an integral part of this yoga path. The main practice of Raja Yoga is silent meditation, where bodily and mental energies are gradually transformed into spiritual energy.

Forgiveness:  A talk given by Dr. Fred Luskin

Forgiveness: A talk given by Dr. Fred Luskin

In this talk Dr. Luskin outlines the procedure for forgiveness. This talk was transcribed (with some editing for clarity and brevity) almost verbatim from a video which was recorded on a zoom call.

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Your Heart Coherence

Your Heart Coherence

According to the observation of Heartmath of Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Phd. in the book: “Transforming Stress” our technological world “speeds up our sense of time and results in mental overload, emotional reactivity and overproduction of stress hormones. This creates a deficit of coherence, harmony and fulfillment, because there is not enough heart brought in to balance the mind. “

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Increase Prana for Stress Relief

Increase Prana for Stress Relief

Stress is a subjective feeling, when you feel that your survival is being threatened. You cannot avoid stress. Yoga teaches us how to increase prana so we can respond to stress properly, in a better manner. Stress Resilience Stress resilience is our capacity to be...

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Swami Sivananda’s Guide on How to Overcome Depression

Swami Sivananda’s Guide on How to Overcome Depression

It is very easy to overcome depression. It is not at all as difficult as one imagines. Mind has the mysterious power of magnifying a problem and making it appear formidable. Do not listen to the promptings of the mind. Reject them ruthlessly and throw them out. Here...

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History of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm

History of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm

Grass Valley, California, USA Swami Vishnu-devananda (1927-1993) was an accomplished yogi from India sent by his guru (Swami Sivananda — a modern day Himalayan saint and author of over 300 books) to North America in 1957 to spread the methods and teachings of Yoga....

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We Are Moving From Darkness to Light

We Are Moving From Darkness to Light

Yoga offers us valuable guidance on our journey towards peace of mind. The formula is simple and can be described as a way of working with the three gunas or qualities of nature: 1) break through the tamas; 2) calm down the rajas; and 3) nourish the sattva.

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Peace of Mind is Happiness

Peace of Mind is Happiness

Swami Vishnudevananda tells the story of a man who is seated under a tree in a desert. The tree gives him shade and a little cool breeze. All around he is surrounded by white sand.

As the sun starts to rise on the horizon, he starts to get thirsty and becomes more and more dehydrated. Still he sits in the shade of the tree.

Soon, his desire for water becomes important to his very existence. He sees a beautiful, shimmering lake in the distance. Waves. Ripples. What is that?

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Yoga Training to Uplift Yourself

We have been instructed to first put the oxygen mask on ourselves in case of emergency on a flight, then put it on others who can not do it themselves.
In the same manner, you need to uplift yourself and help yourself first before helping others.

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Yoga and Healing

Yoga and Healing

This podcast is an a webinar by Swami Sitaramananda from 2016.  Swamiji discusses Yoga and Healing and how holistic healing of body, mind, and spirit can happen through the practice of yoga asana, pranayama, relaxation, and meditation.

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