Sivananda Yoga: Health Educator Training – Documentary film by Benoy K Behl

Sivananda Yoga: Health Educator Training – Documentary film by Benoy K Behl

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A landmark event in the field of Yoga and of Health Management is the founding of the Sivananda Institute of Health and Yoga in California, USA. The institute’s first 2-year 800-Hour Yoga Health Educator Training Course was launched at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm at Grass Valley in California in October, 2017. It was followed by the launch of this intensive training course at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in Dalat in Vietnam in January 2018. This yoga health education-training course, is a yoga therapy course where we focus on positive health and well-being. We are educating people to approach the person that has disease as a total person, that means their body, their mind, their emotions, the circumstances of their life.

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Sivananda Yoga: Health Educator Training – Documentary film by Benoy K Behl

Sivananda Yoga: Health, Peace & Unity – Documentary Film by Benoy K Behl

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9201566/height/100/width//thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/1007270/custom-color/87A93A” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Celebrations to Swami Vishudevananda 60th year of work in the world (1957 – 2017) Swami Sivananda send Swami Vishnu to the West in 1957 with 10 rupees and the words “People are Waiting”. With that Swami Vishnu start the entire International Sivananda Yoga Organization that now has 10 ashrams and more then 30 centers around the world and trained more than 40,000 Yoga Teachers for bring Peace to this chaotic world.

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Yoga and Karma

Yoga and Karma

This podcast is from an old webinar by Swami Sita.  Swamiji shares that karma means action and comes from our desires.  Our actions from the past will result in our present situation.  We have an inner conflict and need to choose the path that won’t bind us to karma.  The yoga guidelines of yamas and niyamas are essential to be free from karma.

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Yoga and Karma

Crest Jewel of Discrimination

In this podcast, Swami Sita teaches from the book Crest Jewel of Discrimination written by Adi Sankaracharya.  Sankara describes the need for devotion in order to experience truth and freedom.  We have to learn to have discernment between what is helping us and what is not.  By practicing right thinking we can cultivate an inner power / knowledge.  Our current state is that we are lost in an ocean of worldliness where we only see external things.  But we need to remember the Self and have the power of discrimination / discernment.  It is like a snake / rope where what we are seeing is not real, and we need the light to see correctly.

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Yoga and Karma

How Yoga Helps with Stress and Diseases that come from Stress

Many people come to yoga because of stress in their lives.  In fact, most diseases that people suffer from come from stress.  Stress is in fact a subjective phenomenon.  Stress depends on the mind of the person.  Some people are stressed very easily and become sick while some others resist and carry on.  Some level of stress is normal and very healthy, but chronic stress is when we are stressed all the time.  Yoga through breathing, relaxation, positive thinking, meditation, and diet offers many solutions for stress management.

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Yoga and Karma

Essential Principles to Leading a Yoga Life

Yoga life is a conscious life.  In yoga, we become conscious of our actions.  It’s not what you do that is important, but the attitude in which you do it.  In Yoga we learn to do our duty, and not just follow what the mind likes to do.  We understand the importance of cultivating positive feelings and positive relationships with others.  A yogi is very regular and follows a routine and does things always at the correct time.  At the same time the yogi is always calm and relaxed but not lazy.