Sivananda Yoga Farm Articles, Podcasts, and Videos
Learn more about all the Sivananda Yoga Teachings and PracticesAn Interview with Permaculture Teacher Spencer Nielsen
Spencer Nielsen explains the importance of permaculture and what makes studying permaculture at the Yoga Farm a unique experience.
What is Yoga Meditation?
This page describes in a detailed protocol what Yoga meditation is and also shares a short video of Swami Sitaramananda explaining further.
Ananda Mayi’s Teriyaki Tofu Cakes
Ananda Mayi's Teriyaki Tofu Cakes (Serves 4) 1lbs. block extra-firm Tofu, coarsely crumbled 1 cup of cooked Quinoa 1/2 cup cooked Oats 1/2 cup Carrot, finely chopped 2 Tbsp ground Flax and/or Chia seeds 2 Tbsp Sunflower Oil Salt and Black Pepper, to taste Preheat...
Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual guidance that comes from living in a spiritual community that follows a guru lineage is essentially the teaching of life lessons.
How to Meditate for Beginners
Learning how to meditate for beginners starts in day-to-day life by detaching from activities so you can close your eyes and go into meditation.
Swami Vishnudevananda Asana Gallery
Enjoy these Swami Vishnudevananda asana photos of Swamiji as a young man in India performing yoga posesbasic, intermediate, and advanced.
Ultimate Guide to Positive Thinking
This Ultimate Guide to Positive Thinking teaches practical classical yoga techniques to gain awareness and insights into our daily thoughts and feelings.
Why sign up for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course?
Swami Sita answers the question of why sign up for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course which has trained 45,000 yoga teachers.
Why take the Food as Medicine Certification Course
Food is essential to life. In the form of food only, we are able to absorb the 5 basic elements - ether, air, fire, water and earth - that will sustain the physical body. Food is also one of the three external sources of Prana or life force available to us; the other...
Learn to Focus with Yoga Psychology
Yoga psychology analyzes different mental states to find ways to overcome the distracted mind and learn to focus. If we can do this it will lead to peace, bliss, and true freedom.
Benefits of the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course
The benefits of the Sivananda yoga teacher training course are not just physical, but a training for a Healthy Mind, World, Environment, and Spirit.
The Deeper Path of Yoga Healing
In the deeper path of Yoga Healing we find out that healthy relationships and emotional balance are in integral part of our well-being.
The Science of Relaxation
In Sivananda yoga we learn the science of relaxation which relieve stress in body, mind and spirit and helps us be calm and peaceful.
Transforming Fear into Faith and Courage
Transforming Fear into Faith and Courage by Swami Sitaramananda 3 AUGUST, 2018 In Yoga philosophy, the teachers or wise people (the rishis) discuss about the relationship between the individual Self and the Absolute Reality. They help us to understand the mysteries...
Suffering Can Be Our Greatest Teacher
Yoga is a scientific method to alleviate suffering and help people find the Truth and Essence in the teachings of all religions.
Video – Yoga for Health and Healing
This video on Yoga for Health and Healing looks at the new Sivananda Yoga Health Educator program which is an 800-hour 2 year program.
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