Sivananda Yoga Farm Blog
PermacultureWhat is Forest Bathing?
In a time when our dependence on technology and our separation from the natural world is becoming more and more apparent, taking time to unplug and practice forest bathing has never been more important.
What are the Permaculture Zones?
Permaculture zones and the elements that are placed into them are chosen according to the amount of attention (labor input) those elements within each zone require for success.
Yoga Guidelines for conscious self healing and healing of the Earth
The talk today is about Self Healing and Healing of the environment using Yogic principles. The word Yoga here implies classical Yoga taught holistically in a philosophical traditional background and not just modern urban commercial exercise Yoga taught in a hectic stressful environment.
5 Edible and Medicinal Springtime Weeds
At the Sivananda Yoga Farm, a winter full of precipitation ushers in bright green hillsides dotted with multicolored wildflowers. However, Spring also brings lots of new weeds in our garden and greenhouse. Not all weeds are bad though, in fact most of them have a use....
5 Tips for Tending a Winter Garden
There’s five simple ways to extend your growing season into the winter, or even all the way through until spring. We hope you enjoy these simple tips. Happy gardening!
Permaculture in Spiritual Community
What is the role of permaculture in a yoga community based on 86 acres of agricultural land? This is an excerpt from an online article published by Permaculture Magazine.
[Video] Lydia Nielsen Talks About Permaculture
This video is for anyone who wants an introduction to the details of permaculture, how important it actually is, and the impact it can have on a local level, on a local climate, through coming together as a community and using our shovels.
Permaculture Updates from the Yoga Farm
The Yoga Farm has been making efforts to implement permaculture in our community, little by little. Through our various courses and Permaculture Service Days, our wonderful volunteers and guests have been helping us reach our goals.
Yoga and Permaculture Ethics
Living in positive relationship with everything and everyone around us is the foundation of yoga life and permaculture practice. In this article, we will examine the links between the ethics of both permaculture and yoga.
10 Reasons to Take a Permaculture Design Course
Radically redesign your life. Be a leader in healing our planet and communities. These are just some of the benefits of taking a Permaculture Design Course.
An Interview with Permaculture Teacher Spencer Nielsen
Spencer Nielsen explains the importance of permaculture and what makes studying permaculture at the Yoga Farm a unique experience.
What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a creative and artful way of designing our lives, where wastes become resources, productivity and yields increase, work is minimized, people and nature are preserved – all by thoughtful planning and a respectful approach to life.