Sivananda Yoga Farm Blog
Karma yogaHEALING KARMA: Our karmic tendencies and how to work it out
Karma is action and consequence of action. It Implies that we are born as consequence of past action and thought. Action comes also in terms of thoughts. This life has a cause and what we do in this life will have a consequence in the future. So, we have to see the big picture to understand your life at the present. There is a reason for certain things to happen that way, and there is a way you can then get out of it, alleviating it.
How to find your purpose in life
The topic of today morning is about how to find your goal and your purpose in this life. Very often we find ourselves in transition, asking ourselves questions “What I’m going to do? What’s my next step? I like this, I like that, but I like this too. I don’t really know what to do”. Often times, we find ourselves in mild or severe depression, due to the sense of lack of direction and a feeling of meaninglessness. This is when we need to know about what our Dharma is.
Yoga is skill in action
The Bhagavad Gita is the scripture of yoga that teaches about the 4 paths of yoga, and the most important teaching is about karma yoga. What Karma does mean? A lot of people understand Karma wrongly. It simply means action and consequence of action. So, karma is the action that is done by body, by speech and by thought. These actions have consequences.
From Karma to Dharma – how to turn karmic situation to your life mission
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx-qfC6LF8c Satsang on line 04/19/2020 Introduction: The topic of today is a complex topic, we will try our best to talk about how to bring meaning to our lives no matter what circumstances we found ourselves in. The two words of Karma...
Renewals and choices in time of transition – how to turn adversity to opportunity
Life is a journey. There is a direction to life. We are always in transition, between stages of life. There is a lesson to be learned at every step. Try to not get lost in the appearances and illusions of life. Our destination is to realize our inner peace that always has been here.
Forgiveness: A talk given by Dr. Fred Luskin
In this talk Dr. Luskin outlines the procedure for forgiveness. This talk was transcribed (with some editing for clarity and brevity) almost verbatim from a video which was recorded on a zoom call.
Yoga and Karma
Swamiji shares that karma means action and comes from our desires. Our actions from the past will result in our present situation.
Yoga and the Koshas for Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health
What are the Koshas and how does Yoga heal the Spiritual, Mental and Physical levels? For the healing aspect of yoga, we have to go into the deep root cause…
Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual guidance that comes from living in a spiritual community that follows a guru lineage is essentially the teaching of life lessons.
Finding your Dharma through Selflessness
For finding your dharma, yoga recommends selflessness. Whatever skills you have or whatever you desire find the way to use that to help others.
Understanding Karma with Swami Vishnudevananda – reprinted from the 1970s
For understanding karma we can learn from the stories of our teachers. Swamiji here tells a few stories about karma manifesting in his life.
Yoga Life and Self Transformation
Yoga Life and Self Transformation is a film that describes an ancient path which can lead us to health and happiness. It is called Yoga.
Karma Yoga is the Foundation of Sadhana – stories from Swami Vishnu
Karma Yoga or Selfless service is the foundation for sadhana (spiritual practice) Question: Should Karma Yoga always take priority over pranayama and asanas? Swamiji: When I was doing my pranayama, suddenly I heard a cry. I did intense pranayama along with meditation....
20 Lessons On Karma
● Karma is action and consequence of action. Action comes from past wrong thoughts or emotions. ● Thoughts repeat themselves, either right or wrong thoughts. ● Karmas repeat themselves; we call them karmic patterns. ● These wrong thoughts or selfish thoughts are...
Karma Yoga: Why and How to be Selfless
Life is a school. Just as in a school, if you do not pass the exam, you will have to repeat the class; so also, if you do not learn your karmic lessons, you have to repeat the experience again and again until you understand, class after class, until you graduate. The...
Why Do Service and Live in an Ashram?
Enjoy these inspiring, heartfelt responses from applicants to the Yoga Farm Seva Study program: What is Karma Yoga? - I see karma yoga as a way to express gratitude to all people. - The practitioner forgets their finite self through their service for others and the...
Karma, Dharma and Sadhana
Karma is your desires that you try to fulfill now in this life. Dharma is the result of your karma that is playing out now. You have to do it until it exhausts itself. Sadhana is one step further – it is creating space. You have to squeeze it in; it is what allows you...
The Yoga of Selflessness
Selfishness arises from us failing to realize that we gain more from giving than from taking. Our mistaken belief that we are separate from others leads us to behave selfishly. We fail to consider the deep interconnectedness and oneness of all life, and act from the...
Journey from Here to Eternity
Ashram as a Spiritual Haven Master Sivananda said that "one ounce of practice equals tons of theory." Swami Vishnudevanandaji not only gives us the teachings but also provides the camp ground to bring everything we learned into practice. He created the Sivananda Yoga...
Karmic Relationships
All relationships come through your life, flow through your life, and flow out of your life. Sometimes you are doing something good for them,sometimes they have insulted you,sometimes they praise you,sometimes they need you, andsometimes they don't need you; they go...